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Zurich RAV and Zurich Unemployment Switzerland

FM Global Report – Post COVID-19 Zurich to bounce back better than other cities

FM Global insurance resilience report and indicator aid The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has created a vacuum for business, a global level of business uncertainty that many have never seen in their lives before. Countries across the globe are battling with the issues of healthcare, personal protection equipment and supplies and a lot more. Zurich is grappling with a variety of challenges impacting small businesses and the self-employed especially. The social-distancing strategies, Federal orders and early financial interventions are helping to stabilise the situation.  So what makes me write to suggest that Zurich will be back before many other cities in the world who are much larger? A clue is in the 2019 Global Resilience Index report created by FM Global Insurance. FM Global researches the business environment in over 100 countries across the globe. The countries are then rated on an index according to factors related to: Corporate Governance  Political stability Risk Environment Supply chain logistics and transparency Switzerland as a country scores well and is rated 3rd overall. The strong economic foundation and supply chain score aids the cumulative result.  This indicates unsurprisingly that Zurich and Switzerland will have a high level of stability and resilience through the crisis

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Zurich RAV and Zurich Unemployment Switzerland

Covid-19 Federal Coronavirus Employment Support

The Swiss Federal government announced a variety of measures to support employers and employees impacted by the Coronavirus Covid-19 shutdown and restrictions. Included in the three components to the Swiss Federal government’s special financial support program of CHF 10 billion includes: 1. Short-time-work (Kurzarbeit): this is for CHF 8 billion and is discussed above. 2. Hardship Financing: The government will offer short-term financing, either as loans and/ or grants, to SMEs, including self-employed, for those in dire straits. Hospitality workers and others on hourly wages were dramatically affected in an almost immediate way. Hence this need to address the social issues caused by the country shut-down and its immediate economic impact. Kurzarbeit – Hourly workers – GmbH or Ag Shareholders The Kurzarbeit process involves these steps: Employer applies for short-time-work financial support using the new simplified form. Swiss government (ALV insurance fund) approves it. Employee agrees to accept the 80% Kurzarbeit. SECO – Short-Time working amended form for Corona-Virus Covid-19  The 2 forms which require attention are: Voranmeldung von Kurzarbeit Antrag auf Kurzarbeitsentschädigung If the employee does not agree to the 80% Kurzarbeit offered by the employer, it is likely that the employee would have their contract terminated. They could

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Corona Virus Zurich Shopping 13.03.2020

Zurich Corona Virus Shopper Chaos Friday 13th !

Friday 13th – The Day The Chaos Came To Zurich 13.03.2020 – Corona virus covid-19 shopping panic gripped Zurich It had been relatively quiet on the shopping front compared to other cities in the world. Pharmacists had reported limited numbers of masks for sale and alcohol based sanitisers were difficult to buy as of last week. To explain what happened because Switzerland has been under different advisory levels for a few weeks, one can only look to the Federal announcement on new measures, the news many schools were to close next week and employers requesting staff to work from home. I only found out because I went for a haircut and my barber asked if I was going shopping afterwards. Somewhat surprised, I said no. This was at 3.30 pm, so I wandered across the road to the local Migros as I was early for the bus or tram. It seemed to be busy, I went off for my meeting and thought I will drop into another store at close to 5 pm. A totally different story, it was packed. More importantly there were no hand baskets and just to carts by the door. I went in for the few

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Zurich networking group moving to or new in Zurich

Buyer Beware – Ricardo and Ebay Corona Virus Time

Ricardo and Ebay are two sources many use to purchase used goods and “unknown label” products often sold by drop shippers who themselves use Amazon or Alibaba as a source. What do you need to watch out for during a pandemic like the coronavirus? The same applies to any purchase on Ebay or Ricardo, the most common things to be aware of include: Buyer Purchase Protection Ebay has a stronger purchasing protection policy through PayPal, Ricardo is notorious amongst expats or those new to Switzerland for their poor response times and inability to resolve problems. The customer service premium rate phone line will often lead to advice for you the buyer to “resolve” your differences with the seller. For low value purchases you simply end up with a new purchase being put into the  recycling or trash. Times of shortage – Corona Virus actual offers and pricing: Desinfektionsmittel (Hand) 6x 500ml = CHF 120 Total +post 10.70 Desinfektionsmittel (Hand) 2L = CHF 70 Total + Post CHF 10.70 Desinfektionsmittel 500ml = CHF 15 + Post 7.00 Desinfektionsgel 250ml = CHF 12.50 + Post 12.50 No 3 was made with 98% Ethanol and No.2 80% Ethanol, 1 and 4 had

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Corona Virus Zurich Update

How to make your own hand sanitiser using “Spiritus” pharmacy alcohol

This is a post for those who are a little more scientific amongst the Zurich Networking Group and cannot get any hand sanitiser at the local pharmacies or from elsewhere, or who simply have some “Spiritus” ( Pharmacy supplied alcohol rubbing alcohol or surgical spirit as it is known to as well by expats). It is also because the Federal authorities seem to have a supply issue because stocks of ethanol seem to be quite low. Disinfectants are in short supply and you only need three or four ingredients to make your own hand sanitiser at home. A word of warning – if in doubt, do not make it. Keep washing your wrists and hands properly with soap and water.  Only use homemade hand sanitisers in extreme situations when hand washing isn’t available and do not use homemade hand sanitisers on children’s skin or on anyone with a skin condition. Before usage, consider a patch test on a small area of your skin, to test for any sensitivities. If after 24 hours there has been no reaction then you should be good to continue usage. The key to making an effective, germ-busting hand sanitiser is to stick to a 2:1

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Corona Virus Zurich Update

Coronavirus Zurich information and measures

Switzerland – Coronavirus infoline +41 58 463 00 00 Daily 24 hours Contents Switzerland – Coronavirus infoline +41 58 463 00 00 Line open daily 24 hours Infoline (ogni giorno 24 ore): +41 58 463 00 00 Ligne Coronavirus infos (tous les jours 24 heures sur 24) : +41 58 463 00 00   Latest Advisory Switzerland Unemployment and Business Measures – Swiss Federal Government – 25.03.2020 The Federal Council issued new regulations for people and business regarding RAV and Kurzarbeit (short-time work  – translation of German language page using Bern, 25.03.2020 – On 25 March 2020, the Federal Council adopted further measures to cushion the economic consequences of the spread of the coronavirus. They concern compulsory job registration, unemployment insurance, short-time working compensation and occupational pensions. The new measures in favour of employees will lead to estimated additional costs for unemployment insurance of around CHF 600 million per month. The new measures are designed in particular to reduce the administrative burden on both the applicants and the cantonal implementing bodies. The latter must be able to process applications for compensation as quickly as possible. In the case of the obligation to register a job (STMP), the obligation to

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Zurich RAV and Zurich Unemployment Switzerland

Unemployment Office – RAV Zurich and first steps to register as unemployed

For RAV registration the following documents should documents be available. RAV will advise more precisely what they need and may want you to post or email scanned copies to them: Foreigner’s identification card (B, L or C permit) Passport Work contract Termination letter AHV grey card or medical insurance card with AHV number Your complete application file i.e. CV, reference letters and certificates/diplomas List of applications made to-date Registration of your current address To understand how the RAV works and its processes, please consider working through this simple e-learning course (multiple language choices): Your obligations and how the Zurich RAV services help you to find work At the end of the course, email the certificate to your own email for possible later use. Many group members have been through issues related to unemployment and recruiter ageism in Switzerland ( contrary to the efforts of companies to “gloss” over this or the authorities efforts to overcome it). Common advice from group members includes: Do not delay a job search and wait to send applications, start sending applications immediately. If you are short of 12 months of working in Switzerland, you will need to obtain a PD U1 form from the employment

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Switzerland 2020 language test and integration for B and C permit holders

Contents Background The Switzerland B and C permit language test changes have been awaited and expected. Many of those local in Zurich remember the fallout after the 2014 Federal popular initiative “against mass immigration” result. Then the need to balance the many bilateral EU agreements and the decision of the Swiss public created widespread uncertainty among many Zurich or other Swiss based foreign residents. Rumours and stories spread as foreigners realised they had little or no political influence on the outcome. Then it went a little quiet until December 2016 because the Swiss Parliament worked to approve changes made to The Federal Act on Foreign Nationals (FNA). The FNA became the Federal Act on Foreign Nationals and Integration. (English Version) and key amendments or its most important regulation changes were not implemented until 2019. The wide sweeping changes affected other regulations including the: Ordinance on Admission Stay and Employment (Verordnung über Zulassung Aufenthalt und Erwerbstätigkeit, VZAE) Ordinance on the Integration of Foreign Nationals (Verordnung über die Integration von Ausländerinnen und Ausländern, VIntA). Introduction of a new language test requirement The biggest new requirement for foreigners was the need to have proof and to show proficiency in German, French, or Italian ( depending where you

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Does it need an e-scooter death before Zurich acts?

Contents Does it need an e-scooter death before Zurich acts? In Zurich the e-scooters have arrived en masse and like a virus they are now everywhere it seems downtown.The e-scooters seem to litter the streets and open spaces with no stated policy from the Mayor or the city officials in response to the outbreak. Hence asking the question, will it take a death like it has in other cities for action and regulation to happen? All Zurich residents hope not, we simply seek some action and some more thought from the Mayor of Zurich and other city officials. The electric scooter or trottinette as it is known by many has a place, for how long no-one knows. Users can ride for less than the fare of a taxi or a tram and local Zurich residents accept in part riders whizzing by in Europaallee at speed silently, with no helmets, carrying loads or listening to their music as they go. A few my express concern under their breath, in Seefeld, Enge or Wiedikon the mutterings are a little louder. Like other city residents elsewhere in the world there is mounting concern. Many e-scooter users create problems they do not think of

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Zurich Switzerland Online shopping and food take-away 2020

Zurich local online shopping and websites

Contents Introduction This is a one pager covering the typical websites we all seem to use for Zurich local online shopping. A number you will need to run the results of a website url through Google translate or similar for your own local language. All links are unaffiliated. The Zurich local online shopping and websites post is an update of one which was over 5 years old. Not many names have changed and a couple of websites were not detailed because they are mentioned together with A number of Zurich local online websites will be listed by category with a small or no write-up. They are pretty self-explanatory and a number of others are worth noting, especially the 24hr chemist / pharmacy. Please make any suggestions by completing the comment form, we will review them and include them later in the next Zurich local online shopping update towards the end of 2020. Zurich local online shopping for books is a go to website when you are looking to purchase a book locally and is a price comparison website. It is listed because it does include or in its search results. This means you can a) compare

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