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LinkedIn Community Top Voice

Microsoft’s subsidiary, LinkedIn, is expanding its content hub by further segmenting subject topics to showcase more community “Top Voices” in 2024. Currently, there are two types of LinkedIn Top Voices, distinguished by the color of their badge (see link below). Here, we focus on the more prevalent Community Top Voices for their contributions. To begin, you’ll either receive an invitation or can review the topic list to find articles to comment on. Notifications will appear via the notification bell on your profile and will also be visible in your feed. It’s worth noting that many requests on your feed are typically generic, AI-generated questions related to topics, subjects, or activities. Their aim is to build content on the platform and refine support for AI-help or chatbots to assist you in overcoming writer’s block in the future. These suggestions, once translated, can potentially benefit thousands. The additional benefit of engaging in this activity is the sharing of insights, which helps maintain user engagement with content production. This activity aids in establishing your presence and being valued as an insightful contributor. Some may view it as akin to receiving a gold star for good work at school. Your Time Investment Is Important

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03 2023 Zürich Networking Group

2023 LinkedIn Zürich Networking Group Information

Contents Zürich Networking Group LinkedIn Annual Group Update – June 2023 A major Zürich Networking Group update was last done in 2021 and listed here on this website in February 2021. This is the follow-up for the group at the end of May 2023 as we move to a new membership year starting June 1st 2023. A lot of work was done over the past 12 months to reach out to all who had left Zurich or Switzerland to see if being a member of our local group was to be of value to them. This resulted in the loss of 513 group members in total on LinkedIn, some remained as followers and others less than 30 as newsletter subscribers.    The Zürich Networking Group grew from 5,798 members in Feb 2021 to 7,901 members in the LinkedIn group on May 31st, 2023.  The group members percentage is geographically located as:  74.72% of members have profiles showing their location is Zurich or the greater Zurich area. 7.8% of members are located outside Switzerland ( was 7.1% in 2021). 17.2% of members have profiles showing their location to be in Switzerland but not in Zurich.  The policy of checking profiles for

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LinkedIn Super Groups

Contents Introduction LinkedIn super sized groups offer the chance to broaden your network very quickly especially if you have less than 500 connections. Students will do well if they join a group which is aligned or close to their studies. It gives them a chance to view future employees online, to understand the sector of future employment and to network in advance of their graduation or job search. I requested to join all on the same day and Telecoms Professionals were the first to accept my request to join. LinkedIn groups with over 350,000 members Software & Technology Professionals: Managers | HR | Blockchain | Investors   (1.8 million members) – A tech group which morphed into Blockchain as its focus. A good number of connections of mine are members through their interest in the topic and casual management. Harvard Business Review  (1.6 million members) is well managed and has a very diverse membership. It has an active anti-spam policy and is worth joining. Finance Club  (970,000 members) is actively managed and for bankers, insurance or those interested in crypto currencies, it is worth considering being a member. Linked: HR  ( 900,000 members) is not accepting new members unless you are

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Key words list for your LinkedIn profile or CV

Contents Introduction The key words list for your LinkedIn profile or CV is becoming more useful because of the way algorithms are used by recruiters or LinkedIn and Google. New business Internet research and job listings share some similar search attributes.  Job listings include the abilities and competencies an applicant needs to be a good  hire. These skills become keywords used by recruiters and hiring managers as they search to quickly identify top candidates.  Few people carefully read LinkedIn profiles and summary write-ups or CVs.  They take a cursory glance and only dig deeper if past job titles or skills trigger their interest. Common words searched for by LinkedIn or recruiter users Recruiters have moved on from the old days of simple filter boxes and job titles on LinkedIn.  Purchasing managers have done so as well as they both embrace Boolean search terms to expand their reach.  In order to help those who are in sales to be “attractive” to clients or those seeking a new ob and wanting contact from hiring managers, this list may help. Simply review your profile and summary write-up and check your use of adjectives and relevant terms.  accounting analytical analytics brand budget C (programming

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